Value added tax (VAT)
Think about the time you spent on every tax return.
Wouldn’t you rather spend this time on earning income?
Outsourcing your value added tax (VAT) return
The value added tax return needs to be filed once a month, once a quarter or once a year at the tax authorities (Belastingdienst). Having to fill in the form, checking it and filing it every time is a job on its own. Having to spend less time on your business administration and tax returns saves you time. Time you can invest in doing business again and thus making money.
When you choose our all-in business administration package we will take care of your tax returns including the value added tax return. Next to that we will also create your annual report and of course your business administration itself. Everything handled perfectly, so you’ll get the insights needed without the time investment.
You will make things easier for yourself, get better insights into your finances and you will free up time to do business again.

The value added tax return and VAT number
After you are registered at the Kvk (the dutch Chamber of Commerce) the tax authorities will hand you a VAT number and communicate the period for which you must submit your tax returns.
It is important to know that when you are a private individual without a registered business at the KvK, you may be need to file the value added tax return as well. Examples of these are when you rent out parking space or when you have solar panels. If so you will need to apply for a VAT number yourself.
What is value added tax?
Value added tax or VAT is a taxation which is calculated on the goods sold and/or services provided. Depending on the type of products or services you sell or provide the tax rate might be 21%, 9% or 0%. You may also be exempted from VAT. Which is different from the 0% tax rate.
We handle the value added tax return for:
- Self-employed
- General partnerships
- Business owners
- Private limited corporations (BV)
- Public limited corporation (NV)
- Foundations and associations
- Private individuals
Having a tax advisor for your value added tax return
It is your choice whether you will handle the value added tax returns yourself or if you outsource it to a tax advisor / bookkeeper. To file the tax return you will need to collect all your invoices and receipts. If you handle these by hand this will probably consume a lot of your time.
Therefore it is smart to use our all-in business administration package. Using this package you will upload your invoices and receipts digitally. We will check them for you and file your value added tax returns. Doing so you will ‘buy’ time, assurance and less to worry about.
All your other tax returns are included in the all-in business administration package as well. And we will assess whether you are eligible for entrepreneurial facilities that can save you money. You may contact us for all your business related, tax related and finance related questions and we will give you (un)solicited financial advice.
That makes doing business a whole lot more comfortable!
We are here for you
Feel free to contact us with your questions.
We are happy to help you grow your business smarter.