Start your Dutch tax filing support application
Our process explained in 5 simple steps:
- Please complete our simple form below to help us review your position. It takes 12 minutes in average to complete our form!
- After receiving your completed form we will analyze the information and we will check whether the information provided is logic.
- Based on the completed form and our review, we will ask you to provide the required documents and any additional information/clarification/explanation that we may need. All happens on a secured client portal and no information is requested by e-mail for privacy reasons.
- We will start your tax return process after receiving the required documents and additional information.
- Your tax reports (in English or Dutch) will be shared for approval and after your approval we will file the tax reports with the Dutch tax authorities. No DIGI-D is needed! The tax returns are filed by making use of our special Tax Consultant ID number with the Dutch tax authorities.
Explainer video
Explainer video
Short video explainer for our Dutch Tax Return application process in 5 simple steps.
If you apply for our tax service before 1 May 2025, we will apply for an extension, which means the tax return does not have to be filed before 1 May.
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